We are the national and international voice of Canada’s largest post-secondary education network.
Our work supports Canada’s publicly supported colleges, institutes, CEGEPs, and polytechnics. When the system thrives, Canadians thrive. In everything we do, we aim to strength that system.
Our activities include:

As the national voice of Canada’s colleges and institutes, CICan works closely with its members to bring their priorities to the forefront and advocate on their behalf.

CICan partners colleges and institutes with institutions around the world and has helped over 100 countries transform their education systems.

Leadership Development
CICan’s Leadership Development Institutes for potential presidents, vice-presidents, deans, directors, chairs and managers offer opportunities for our members to enhance their leadership capacities.

The new CICan Mentorship Program capitalizes on the expertise and experience of current and past leaders in post-secondary education to build capacity and drive knowledge within the college and institute system.

Our bursaries provide financial support to college and institute students who are in financial need and bursaries may be used to cover not only tuition, but other costs based on the students’ needs.