July 18, 2024

The Future of Canada’s Trades Sector Lies with Colleges and Institutes

Fact: In the past 24 months, more than 2,200 high school students have explored the possibility of pursuing fulfilling careers in the skilled trades and related fields through summits hosted by 17 colleges and institutes across the country.  

It’s an example of the work our sector does to nurture 21st century talent – with the right skills – ready to meet workforce demands in areas like construction and manufacturing that respond to Canada’s big challenges. 

The good news is that the work we do brings Canada’s colleges and institutes together to develop solutions.  

Between the 2022 and 2024 academic years, our members hosted 31 skilled trades summits through our Explore Trades and Technologies program. With 50 hands-on workshops in areas like automotive, manufacturing, and construction the summits empowered high school students to explore skilled careers, challenged traditional stereotypes, and showcased skilled trades as ambitious and rewarding career paths accessible to everyone. 

So far, we’ve achieved a lot:  

  • In particular, the summits saw nearly 50% female participants, highlighting a push to diversify the trades and encourage more women to explore traditionally male-dominated fields – essential to filling Canada’s skills gaps. Read more about how colleges and institutes empower women. 
  • And, the summits were some of the largest events of their kind. In Manitoba, the summit hosted by Assiniboine College, was one of the largest in the province – with an increase in participation of more than 50% over previous similar events. (From 200 students in 2023 to 320 in 2024)!  

In the context of Canada’s big challenges – things like providing sustainable and affordable housing and transitioning to clean energies – it’s more important than ever that we take advantage of colleges and institutes as educators and partners to be a bigger part of the solution. 

  • Empowering the next generation of Canadian leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs to pursue rewarding careers aligned with their passions and talents is a start.