Private Sector Growth through Education for Employment was a seven-year $20 million program supporting the private sector in Senegal through technical and vocational education and training tailored to local labour market needs.
What We Did
We connected 15 Canadian colleges and institutes with 14 TVET institutions in Senegal to develop technical and vocational training programs that meet local labour market needs in agriculture, mining, renewable energies, and geomatics.
Strengthening Private-Public Partnerships
By helping Senegalese institutions build stronger ties with the private sector, PSG-EFE ensured that students learn skills that match local demand while strengthening the public image of these institutions.
Because of our work, TVET institutions in Senegal are better placed to provide skills training that matches local demand, ultimately contributing to stronger job market outcomes for graduates – particularly for women and girls.
The program also supported institutional autonomy, governance, and management, while providing TVET institutions resources to fund teacher-training initiatives and acquire the equipment need for training.
Key Partners
- Ministère de l’Emploi, de la Formation professionnelle, de l’Apprentissage et de l’Insertion (MEFPAI)
- 14 établissements sénégalais de formation professionnelle et technique
- 16 collèges et instituts canadiens