Deadline: February 26, 2024

Turn your campus into a green living lab! Round III

Colleges and institutes have a vital role to play in the race to net-zero. And, with the largest post-secondary footprint in the country, our engagement goes a long way.

We’ve already funded a total of 20 successful demonstration projects, and this is your chance to be funded for 2024-2025. Join a network of Campus Living Labs that demonstrate ways to raise awareness of and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 5 themes: Indigenous knowledges and practices, food, waste, transportation, and buildings and land management.

What’s a campus living lab?

Turning your campus into a living lab means integrating applied research and teaching with campus planning, infrastructure, operations, and/or community development in a way that maximizes the impact of sustainability projects. The campus is a sandbox for innovation, opportunity, and testing new ideas in a local context, while learning from and sharing successes and challenges.

As interactive demonstrations, living labs connect college and institute faculty, staff, students, and community partners to raise awareness about climate change, showcase the sector’s solutions and highlight the importance of reducing GHG emissions.

Have an idea to turn your campus into a living lab? Submit your proposal!
Please note institutions that have already received funding for a Campus Living Lab are not eligible to apply/ participate again.

The deadline for submissions is February 26, 2024, at 11:59pm EST.
For more information, please email us an email.

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Submission Form

"*" indicates required fields


Project Details

0 of 1000 max characters
  • Indigenous Knowledges and Practices
  • Transportation
  • Buildings and Land Management
  • Waste
  • Food
Please select what best describes your proposed project*
0 of 500 max characters
Which of the following target audiences will your project’s communications reach? (Only select those that apply)*
0 of 1500 max characters
0 of 1000 max characters
Does this project have the potential to be replicated by other institutions?*
0 of 500 max characters

Project Targets

Please indicate specific targets and how you will measure success of your demonstration project:
0 of 250 max characters
0 of 250 max characters

Project Budget

Max. file size: 50 MB.
Can you make a commitment to meet once a month for 2 hours on average for 1 year to contribute to the development of a Best Practices Guide on implementing GHG reduction demonstration projects on campuses?*
Please indicate whether or not your project includes curriculum development or specifically addresses course content?*
Please note: curriculum or course content is not eligible for funding.
0 of 1000 max characters