Deadline: June 10, 2024

Call for Expressions of Interest for Content Design and Development on the Upskilling for the Innovation Economy Project

CICan member institutions are invited to form a consortium to co-design and develop national upskilling microcredentials in agricultural technology, advanced manufacturing, clean technology, and biomanufacturing sectors to rapidly respond to upskilling needs for jobs in these key talent gap and growth areas.

Applications must be completed by the consortium’s primary contact and be received no later than 11:59 a.m. EDT on Monday, June 10, 2024.

Please note that as per Palette Skills instructions, and for regulatory reasons related to funding by federal agencies, post-secondary institutions based in the province of Quebec are not eligible for this call. Please contact Palette Skills directly to learn more about possible future collaborations.

Related Program

Upskilling for the Innovation Economy

This initiative brings together CICan members to develop and deliver new microcredentials aimed at upskilling workers in high-growth sectors, including agricultural technology, advanced manufacturing, and clean technology. Not only will…
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Submission Form

"*" indicates required fields

Consortium Composition and Contact Information

To be filled out by the primary contact of your consortium.
Which sector is your consortium wishing to target?*
Name Email Phone College or Institute Actions
There are no Entries.

Budget Allocation and Group Collaboration

1. Propose how you wish to allocate the $300,000 per consortium budget among each institution based on their projected roles, responsibilities, and involvement in achieving the deliverables.*
Role (E.g., primary contact, LMS lead, content development/adaptation, industry consultation, wrap-around supports, etc.)
Total Budget Allocation ($)
0 of 1500 max characters

Consortium Expertise & Criteria Alignment

The consortia will be selected based on the strength of their demonstrated alignment with the criteria and program requirements, as well as the depth of their knowledge, expertise, and collaborative approach in developing a microcredential program within their chosen sector.

0 of 5000 max characters
0 of 5000 max characters
0 of 5000 max characters

Consortium Primary Contact Attestation

Name of institutional authority
