Each International Development Week (IDW), the theme #GoForTheGoals calls on us to engage collectively in collaborative and positive change for a better world!
Our Education for Employment (EFE) approach to sustainable international development is one of the ways we contribute to #GoForTheGoals! With eight projects currently operating in 15 countries, here are some of the way EFE helps us #GoForTheGoals:
- SDG 4 Quality Education: In a nutshell, EFE involves partnerships between Canadian colleges and institutes and TVET institutions in developing countries. Through these partnerships, Canadian institutions share their expertise in the development and implementation of competency-based programs, provide training and help to develop pedagogical strategies for local instructors, while strengthening relationships with local businesses and employers – all with the goal of building a comprehensive, sustainable, and inclusive education system tailored to the socio-economic realities of each country.
- SDG 5 Gender Equality and SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities: One of the keys to consistent economic growth is an inclusive and diverse labour market. As such, each and every partnership established through EFE programs has a primary objective of helping vulnerable populations achieve parity. In many countries, this means women – in fact, all EFE programs directly support Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy – Indigenous populations and racial minorities, immigrants, and other vulnerable groups.
- SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth: the Canadian college and institute system has a proven track record of working closely with employers to develop programs and curriculums that meet pressing labour-market requirements and deliver graduates equipped to find and maintain good jobs. EFE capitalizes on this know-how to improve labour-market outcomes for graduates in developing countries and encourage local economic growth.
- SDG 13 Climate Action: as we inch closer to the 2030 deadline set for achieving the SDGs, there is a renewed need to ensure that development integrates principles of sustainability and ecological stewardship within a green economy. By bringing college and institute expertise to developing countries, EFE programs help transform key sectors such as mining and natural resources, water and coastal management, and ecotourism with flexible and adaptable green skills, and strengthen partnerships between TVET institutions and local businesses to develop sustainable solutions.
Learn more about Education for Employment and international development by reading about our newest EFE program, Mille femmes : Je suis Femme, j’Existe, je Participe (One Thousand Women: I am woman, I exist, I participate)! Our current EFE projects are active in Belize, Chile, Colombia, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambique, Peru, Senegal, St. Lucia, Tanzania and Tunisia.
Putting quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and climate action at the heart of its international development strategy, Education for Employment has wide-reaching impact that touches on all 17 of the SDGs by empowering all people to achieve their full potential through education.