Colleges and institutes have a vital role to play in the race to net-zero! And, with the largest post-secondary footprint in the country, our engagement goes a long way. We’ve already funded 10 successful living lab demonstration projects and are looking for 10 more.
Join us and discover six of our successful interactive living lab demonstration projects! Learn how colleges and institutes are reducing GHG emissions and raising awareness about climate change on campus and their community.
Turning your campus into a living lab means integrating applied research and teaching with campus planning, infrastructure, operations, and community development in a way that maximizes the impact of sustainability projects. The campus is a sandbox for innovation, opportunity, and testing new ideas in a local context, while learning from and sharing successes and challenges.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session to answer questions on taking the first step in turning your campus into a living lab with a focus on five areas: Indigenous approaches to sustainability, waste, transportation, buildings and land management, and food.