Eligibility & Guidelines

CICan members are encouraged to submit their nominations for the Awards of excellence.


Only CICan member institutions may participate.

There are ten awards of excellence categories:

Colleges, institutes, polytechnics, and cégeps have traditionally played a learning leadership role in the communities they serve. Although the entire institution participates, inevitably, certain individuals make an outstanding contribution each year. Each college or institute may submit up to two (2) nominations in this category.The Leadership Excellence Award for Students recognizes an individual student that has made an exceptional contribution within their institution and within the communities it serves. This Award is for currently enrolled students.


The review will be based on the following criteria.

  • Internal Impact: Evidence of significant and verifiable impact on the institution, as well as on student life and on the greater community at large. (40 points)
  • External Impact: Evidence that the nominee or team has made an important contribution through community involvement in developing the institution’s positive image. (25 points)
  • Consistency: Assurance that these leadership skills have been consistently evidenced over no less than 12 months and have had a sustainable effect on the institution. (20 points)
  • Academic Excellence: Verifiable evidence that the student’s grade point average is at or above the mean in the program in which they are registered. Include a transcript and descriptive summary of awards received, participation in committees, etc. (15 points)

Colleges, institutes, polytechnics, and cégeps have traditionally played a learning leadership role in the communities they serve. Although the entire institution participates, inevitably, certain individuals make an outstanding contribution each year. Each college or institute may submit up to two (2) nominations in this category.The Leadership Excellence Award for Faculty recognizes an individual or a team who has exhibited consistent excellence in teaching and has had a significant impact on the personal and academic growth of students. The nominee or team must be currently employed by the institution. The team can consist of a maximum of five (5) individuals and the nomination must focus on their collective contribution.


The review will be based on the following criteria.

  • Commitment: The nominee or team has shown a consistent commitment to student success and to developing methodologies, materials, and processes which have contributed to student success. (20 points)
  • Leadership in Teaching: The nominee or team has provided a leadership role model for teaching colleagues and students. (20 points)
  • Impact: The nominee’s or team’s work has had a recognized and substantial impact on students (employment, success rate), colleagues (through professional development and example) and the institution (reputation in the subject area). (20 points)
  • Sustainability: The nominee’s or team’s commitment has been broadly evident over their career to date. (20 points)
  • Adaptability: One of the nominee’s or team’s strengths is the ability to adapt teaching styles, methodologies, or materials to fit student needs and available resources. (20 points)

Colleges, institutes, polytechnics, and cégeps have traditionally played a learning leadership role in the communities they serve. Although the entire institution participates, inevitably, certain individuals make an outstanding contribution each year.The Leadership Excellence Award for Managerial Staff recognizes an individual or a team who has made an exceptional contribution within their institution and within the communities it serves. The nominee or team must be currently employed by the institution and play a managerial role. Each college or institute may submit up to two (2) nominations in this category. The team can consist of a maximum of five (5) individuals, the nomination must focus on their collective contribution, and CEOs and board members are not eligible for this award.


The review will be based on the following criteria.

  • Impact: The nominee or team has had a significant, positive and verifiable impact on his/her institution and, thus, the internal and external communities it serves. (25 points)
  • Community Involvement: The nominee or team has shown leadership in working with external community partners. (20 points)
  • Team Work: The nominee or team has involved others in activities and provided a motivational influence. (20 points)
  • Creativity: Evidence of creativity has been shown in meeting challenges with available resources. (20 points)
  • Sustained Leadership: Evidence that these leadership skills have been consistently applied over an extended period. (15 points)

Colleges, institutes, polytechnics, and cégeps have traditionally played a learning leadership role in the communities they serve. Although the entire institution participates, inevitably, certain individuals make an outstanding contribution each year. The Leadership Excellence Award for Non-Managerial Staff recognizes an individual or a team who has made an exceptional contribution within their institution and within the communities it serves. The nominee or team must be currently employed by the institution and play a non-managerial role. Each college or institute may submit up to two (2) nominations in this category. The team can consist of a maximum of five (5) individuals, the nomination must focus on their collective contribution, and CEOs and board members are not eligible for this award.


The review will be based on the following criteria.

  • Institutional Impact: Evidence that the nominee or team has had a significant, positive and verifiable impact on her/his institution and the greater community at large. (30 points)
  • Team Work: Evidence that the nominee or team has involved others in activities and provided a motivational influence. (25 points)
  • Performance and Contribution: The nominee or team has demonstrated exemplary performance of duties and has contributed overall to the institution through involvement on committees, volunteer work, etc. The institution, students and community at large have benefited from their participation, contributions and involvement in activities, both internally and externally. (25 points)
  • Creativity: Evidence of creativity in meeting challenges with available resources. (20 points)

The Program Excellence Award recognizes a program that is innovative, portable, sustainable, and effective. The Program should involve several institutional constituents (faculty, students, staff, administration, and governors). The Program should also involve at least one external industry or community partner. Each college or institute may submit up to two (2) nominations in this category. Please note that for the purposes of this award, a program is considered a series of related courses, internships, and/or work integration, that result in a post-secondary credential.


Submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria and all evidence presented should be from within the previous 5 years.

  • Effectiveness: Data-driven evidence that the program has been effective with learners and has reached or surpassed its objectives. (25 points)
  • Participation: Evidence that the program involves several institutional constituents (faculty, students, staff, administration, and governors) and at least one external industry or community partner. (20 points)
  • Sustainability: The program is meeting a long term substantial need and serves a group of learners over a significant period. (20 points)
  • Innovation: Evidence of innovative practices in an existing program or the creation of a new program in response to a learning need not adequately being met. Programs nominated for this Award are not commonly available in this format across the college/institute system. (20 points)
  • Portability: Ease of transfer of content and/or delivery mode to other institutions. The program does not rely on the existence of unique infrastructure or geographic location and can be offered in another location or region. (15 points)

The Indigenous Education Excellence Award recognizes a college or institute that has a demonstrated commitment to Indigenous education through innovative approaches and dedicated structures, curriculum, holistic support services and community partnerships that contribute to learner success, as well as socio-economic development and reconciliation within communities. This award recognizes institutional, rather than individual achievements.


To be eligible for this award, your institution must not have received the “Gold” award within the past 3 years or since 2020.


Submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria and all evidence presented should be from within the previous 5 years.

  • Indigenous Education Protocol: Colleges or institutes that have signed the CICan Indigenous Education Protocol will be given preference. (25 points)
  • Institutional commitment: The mandate to serve Indigenous learners and communities is embedded in colleges’ and institutes’ strategic plans. Governance structures recognize and respect Indigenous peoples through representation on Boards, Program Advisory Committees, Student Associations through delegated seats for First Nation, Métis and Inuit leaders, and allow for parallel Indigenous Advisory Councils and Elder/Métis Senator Councils. The number of Indigenous employees with ongoing appointments throughout the institution, including Indigenous senior administrators has increased. (20 points)
  • Relationship Building: Evidence that the college or institute has formalized partnerships with First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, Indigenous institutes of higher learning and Indigenous organizations such as Friendship Centres and Métis Community Councils. Partnerships will be responsive to economic development and labour market needs and will have evolved from an open and genuine consultation approach. (20 points)
  • Respect for Intellectual and Cultural Traditions: Evidence that the college or institute has implemented curriculum and learning approaches relevant to learners and communities such as: transition and upgrading programs. Examples would be: linkages and partnerships between K-12 and post-secondary education systems; flexibility in the delivery of programs to allow stop-out and start-up options; culturally relevant assessment tools which may differ for First Nation, Métis and Inuit learners; give post-secondary credits for traditional knowledge, as for other skills and areas of expertise. (15 points)
  • Increased understanding and reciprocity among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples: Evidence that the college or institute supports students and employees increased understanding and reciprocity by: integrating the use of Indigenous language and traditional ways of doing and being at events, ceremonies and meetings, and by providing staff and faculty training. (10 points)
  • Services and Learning Environments: Evidence that the college or institute has established environments that are Indigenous-centred, holistic, and that foster learner success through: culturally relevant assessment services; visible and viable culture, language and Elder/Métis Senator involvement; experiences; integrated systems and provisions to eliminate financial barriers. (10 points)

The Applied Research and Innovation Excellence Award recognizes a college or institute that has improved the productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and community partners through the development of new and improved products, processes and services and has provided students and graduates with real-world innovation experience. This award recognizes institutional, rather than individual achievements.


To be eligible for this award, your institution must not have received the “Gold” award within the past 3 years or since 2020.


Submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria and all evidence presented should be from within the previous 5 years.

  • Institutional Commitment: Evidence of commitment to building the institutional capacity to support SMEs and social innovation in the community; including for example the number of research centres and labs used for applied research; number of faculty and researchers engaged in applied research; demonstrated funding sources; and the number of research projects in the last year and the areas of research specialization of your college.(20 points)
  • Impact on SMEs: Evidence of new or improved products, processes, services that enhance profile and market opportunities, including for example: number of SME and other private sector partners involved in applied research each year; number of research projects in the last year; number of research results from applied research projects: prototypes, new or improved products, processes or services. (30 points)
  • Impact on Communities and Regions: Evidence of enhanced collaboration with companies, community partners, local associations and organizations that have a significant and sustainable impact on local or regional innovation. (25 points)
  • Impact on Students: Demonstrated application of skills into workplace settings, with a focus on the capacity to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship activities. (25 points)

The Excellence in Global Engagement Award recognizes a college or institute (NOT an individual or team) that has, through their initiatives, demonstrated innovation, creativity, and leadership in the internationalization of their institution. This award recognizes institutional, rather than individual achievements.


To be eligible for this award, your institution must not have received the “Gold” award within the past 3 years or since 2020.


Submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria and all evidence presented should feature the impact felt within the previous 5 years.

Excellence in Global Engagement will be evaluated as follows:

  • Inbound and outbound student mobility for diversification on campus: Your institution supports inbound student mobility by welcoming international students that will contribute to the diversification on campus and/or provides outbound student mobility options for domestic students. (20 points)
  • International cooperation (projects and exporting educational services abroad): Your institution engages in projects with other institutions or organizations abroad. For example, this could be an institutional partnership in a CICan Education for Employment program. Your institution participates in exporting educational services abroad. For example, this may take the shape of contract training for faculty in a partner institution overseas, or offering your programs via a satellite campus abroad. (20 points)
  • Joint international research and teaching: Your institution has faculty who partner with international peers on common research projects and teaching. (20 points)
  • Innovation in global engagement: Your institution identifies and implements innovative opportunities for meaningful relationships with partners overseas. Embedded in this work is the rationale for developing global citizens who are contributing, or will positively contribute, to making our world a better place. (20 points)
  • Meeting targets outlined in institutional Internationalization Strategy: Your institution is able to demonstrate progress made against your institutional internationalization strategy. (20 points)

The SDG Excellence Award recognizes a college or an institute that has shown leadership in the implementation and advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of their learners and community, and contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world, now and into the future. This award recognizes institutional, rather than individual achievements.


To be eligible for this award, your institution must not have received the “Gold” award within the past 3 years or since 2020.


Submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria and all evidence presented should be from within the previous 5 years.

  • Innovation: How did the college or institute establish new or more sustainable and effective practices inspired by the SDGs. Please provide specific examples. (25 points)
  • Integration / Implementation: What steps did the college or institute take to follow up on their newfound SDG priorities. (25 points)
  • Identification: How and when did the college or institute identify their SDG priorities, and where were the gaps? (20 points)
  • Impact: In what ways does the SDG lens affect education on campus, in your community, and nationally. (15 points)
  • Awareness: share your social media and digital materials, promotional resources, and testimonials that can be combined in one document. (15 points)

The Excellence in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award recognizes a college or institute that has demonstrated leadership in advancing and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion for its students, faculty, staff, and community. This award recognizes institutional, rather than individual achievements. Areas of focus can include but is not limited to administration and human resources, curriculum design and content, policies and procedures, stakeholder management, communication and outreach programs.


To be eligible for this award, your institution must not have received the “Gold” award within the past 3 years or since 2020.


Submissions will be reviewed according to the following criteria and all evidence presented should feature the impact felt within the previous 5 years.

  • Integration/Implementation: Evidence of the steps the college or institute has taken to advance equity, grow diversity, and improve inclusion. Evidence may include links to the business plan, strategic plan, or other relevant documentation. Please identify the relevant excerpt to review by page and paragraph. (30 points)
  • Innovation: Evidence that the college or institute has established new or more effective practices that advance equity, grow diversity, improve inclusion, or remove barriers. Please provide specific examples. (30 points).
  • Impact: Evidence of the impact that the college’s or institute’s leadership in EDI has had on students and communities. Please provide data to support the evidence. (30 points)
  • Awareness: Share links to relevant statements, campaigns, social media and digital materials, promotional resources that highlight EDI excellence. Evidence may include examples, testimonials from communities and students, and links to or excerpts from relevant statements and partnerships. (10 points)


Nominations must be submitted by 23:59 EST Friday, November 10, 2023.

Each nomination should include the following:

  • Endorsement Letter: The endorsement letter must be included and signed by the President or Director General of the institution.
  • Executive Summary: The executive summary should provide a condensed overview of the key elements of the nomination in no more than 750 characters. The executive summary of gold recipients will be included in the Awards Showcase and on the CICan website.
  • Biographical Summary of the Nominee or Team: For Leadership Excellence Award nominees. This should provide a condensed overview of the key elements of the nomination in no more than 750 characters, but should not be presented in a CV format.
  • Evidence: The nomination must provide evidence that supports each of the criteria.
  • Supporting Testimonials: More than one testimonial may be included on the same page.
  • Photo of Nominee: A high-resolution color photo in JPG format is required. For the Leadership Excellence Awards, a headshot photo of the nominee or color photo of the team is best, for the other awards, a group photo (students and instructors or in the field) is best. Please attach the file separately.
  • Contact information: Please provide contact information for CICan follow up.

Note: Gold recipients will be asked to provide a one (1) minute video clip to be shown at the conference.

We encourage the consideration of representation and visibility in selecting the Leadership Excellence nominees.

Upon receipt of the completed nomination, an acknowledgment email will be sent to the person who submitted the nomination.

The results will be sent to the President or Director General of each nominating institution by Monday, January 22, 2024.

Awards of Excellence recipients will be recognized at the CICan 2024 Connection Conference.

Each nomination is reviewed by an independent selection committee with representation from across CICan member institutions. Peer reviewers participate on a voluntary basis and a reviewer cannot sit on more than one selection committee. Every nomination is reviewed independently from one another and a nomination will not be reviewed by someone from the same institution as the nominee. Learn more about the selection process.

Submit a Nomination

CICan and TD Insurance

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TD Insurance is proud to be the exclusive sponsor of the CICan Awards of Excellence Program. TD Insurance will give an award of $1,000 to each Gold level Award of Excellence recipient.
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