January 16, 2023

Change starts with education (SDG 4)

Say hello to the new you! At the beginning of a new year many of us resolve to make positive changes in our lives, relationships, and communities. We’re aiming a bit bigger. For us, 2023 is about building a country that is more sustainable and more equitable. To do that, we have to reimagine how we think about education.

SDG 4 challenges us to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Colleges and institutes take this to heart.

  • Offering more than 10,000 programs, diplomas, and certificates of different lengths and with varying delivery-methods, colleges and institutes are the most accessible post-secondary institutions in the country.
  • With nearly 700 campuses, our members make learning and skills upgrading available and accessible (within 50 km) to more than 95% of Canadians and 86% of Indigenous peoples. And that doesn’t include asynchronous and online learning options!
  • With state-of-the-art facilities, hands-on learning experiences and forward focused training, they prepare students for the current labour market and futureproof them for the jobs of tomorrow.

Through education, we contribute to positive change.

January 24 is the International Day of Education, celebrating of the role of education for peace and development. This year (2023) also means we have officially passed the half-way point of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Let’s use both milestones as reminders of the importance of accessible education and how we need to collectively build a more sustainable, inclusive and peaceful future for all.

Let’s work together to have a national and global impact.

Don’t forget! We have recommendations to transform our global future together. With more support for innovation, skills-based training, equity and accessibility, reconciliation, and less carbon, we can see a better future for people and our communities.

Change starts with education. This, year, we want to bring more leaders together, share more knowledge, create more positive change, and equip more Canadians with the skills to become futureproof. What is your wish for PSE in 2023?