March 21, 2022

Voices for action against racism

That’s the theme of this year’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It calls on people everywhere to strengthen and consolidate their voices against racism, to mobilise against all forms and all manifestations of racial discrimination and injustice, and to ensure a safe environment for those who speak up.

Why March 21? Each year, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination marks the day police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960.

As educators, colleges and institutes play a vital role in combatting systemic racism and discrimination. In areas like healthcare and public safety, they ensure that workers are given tools to protect public spaces against injustice, now and in the future.

As institutions, we also recognize that systemic racism and discrimination exist in Canada and have work to do to address the challenges to success that Black students, Indigenous students, Asian students, and other visible minorities often face.

It’s not enough to be “not racist.” Anti-racism means that we must reflect on unconscious biases and institutional and structural policies that allow racism to exist, and consistently work to identify and dismantle them.

November 8, 2021

There is no future without net-zero

A new report from a Berlin-based think tank ranks Canada’s per-capita carbon emissions among the highest in the world. This is not the record we want to be setting. We need to get serious about reducing emissions, in a big way, now. Canada needs leadership and colleges and institutes are stepping up. At more than 670 locations, we pledge to achieve net-zero emissions on campus by 2050!

With the largest post-secondary footprint in the country, our collective engagement goes a long way. Zero emissions on campus is an ambitious goal, but not out of reach. In fact, many examples of net-zero and LEED-certified campus facilities, learning environments, and research centres already exist!

These buildings practice what they preach, quite literally. They are real examples of energy efficiency. And, they give students the opportunity to learn skills in real environments and practice their skills with real technologies on the leading edge of sustainable design.

  • Know another net-zero campus building not listed here? Be vocal! Share your examples and our pledge on social media using the hashtag #ClimateAction.

As a country, we are heading in the net-zero direction. As a sector, we are standing out. We are future-proofing industries, skills, learners, and the economy; and there is no future without net-zero.

July 26, 2021

Beyond good intentions to action

Did you know that McKinsey & Company’s widely-cited 2015 Diversity Matters report found that companies with greater gender or racial and ethnic diversity among employees were more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians? McKinsey’s 2018 follow up, Delivering through Diversity, confirmed the correlation. The point is that committing to structures that empower diverse groups isn’t only an ethical and moral imperative, it’s also a good business decision. Win-win, right?

Pathways to many professions begin with post-secondary education, and so must the commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). In fact, many colleges and institutes stand out as leaders in the sector on policies, programs, and initiatives that foster an institution-wide culture of EDI:

Leaders in the field, these four institutions have also been instrumental in laying the foundation of our new national initiative sharing best practices and promoting a coordinated approach to a culture of inclusion specific to colleges and institutesImpAct-EDI!

  • As the national association with a mission to strengthen the system, we aim to bring together colleges and institutes from across the country in collaboration, sharing, learning, and amplifying in everything we do.
  • We also know many other colleges and institutes are already leaders in their communities. Stay tuned for more on this initiative to learn from each other and strengthen EDI at the national level, and for an opportunity to be a part of our new EDI Community of Practice and National Advisory Committee!
  • In case you missed it: Watch Perspectives LIVE “Amplifying BIPOC voices : representation, visibility, and opportunity,” for a look at the role of post-secondary institutions in addressing systemic racism in Canada and the steps that institutions can take to move from celebrating diversity to driving meaningful change.

We’re also proud to have marked a major milestone in diversity and concrete steps towards gender equity and greater inclusion at the highest level within our association. We’ve surpassed our goals as part of 50-30 Challenge!

  • The challenge encourages Canadian organizations to increase the representation and inclusion of diverse groups within their workplaces, while highlighting the benefits of giving all Canadians a seat at the table.

We’re serious about EDI, not only as an ethical and moral responsibility, but also as necessary for sustainable recovery. We have an opportunity now as individuals and as a sector to address structural and systemic barriers to inclusion in ways that move beyond good intentions to action.

April 26, 2021

Must read: the path to a net-zero carbon future

As we celebrate Earth Day, our brand-new paper on sustainability highlights the critical role of colleges and institutes in helping Canada achieve net-zero emissions by 2050! Even as last week’s federal budget proposed $17.6 billion for green initiatives, it’s clear Canada must adopt a whole-of-country approach and will require strong leadership from post-secondary institutions. Everyone has a role to play!

Leading the Way to a Net-Zero Carbon Future presents the role of colleges and institutes on four pillarsgreen skills for a net-zero future, applied research and living labs, Indigenous and nature-based solutions, and leveraging campuses.

In the face of a climate emergency and pandemic recovery, leadership in sustainability is more important than ever. With their extensive footprint, expertise in equipping learners with job-ready skills, and an applied research innovation pipeline to small and medium-sized businesses, colleges and institutes are ideally positioned to support Canada’s transition to a net-zero future!

October 19, 2020

Promote positive mental health outcomes with the new national student standard

To support post-secondary institutions in promoting positive mental health outcomes on and off campus, the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), in collaboration with CSA Group, has created a brand-new national standard on Mental health and well-being for post-secondary students!

This new standard is the first of its kind in the world and serves as a set of voluntary guidelines developed in consultation with diverse stakeholders, including students, administrators, service providers, and people with lived and living experience of mental illness. Its goal is to provide a consistent, evidence-based framework schools can use to enhance existing mental health strategies or develop new ones.

Since 2018, we have been working with MHCC on the development of this National Standard and thank all CICan members for their contributions: those represented on the Advisory Committee for Student Mental Health and the Technical Committee charged with drafting the document, and the many others interviewed during the process.

May 4, 2020

Keeping students connected and supported during COVID-19

Last week, the Government of Canada announced a historic $9-billion student aid package to help alleviate the financial burden faced by many students who are finding their summer job prospects severely limited as a result of restrictions on businesses caused by the COVID-19 crisis. This has been one of our principal advocacy priorities and we are thrilled to see the federal government take action to help students. This financial aid means that all students will have the resources needed to continue their studies, including those among the most vulnerable when global crises disrupt the status quo.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we shared how colleges and institutes have come to the aid of medical professionals, employing applied research facilities and 3D printers to find innovative ways of meeting demand for medical equipment; and have responded to physical distancing measures by moving teaching and learning online. But colleges and institutes always have their students top of mind, and have moved quickly to make sure student supports, from academics and tutoring opportunities, to finance, well-being and mental health support would remain available despite campus closures and disruption.

Our members have made a wealth of support mechanisms available for students during this time, including resources for managing stress and anxiety, tailored approaches for Indigenous students, help in acquiring necessary equipment to complete studies virtually, and creative ways of maintaining connected communities while physically distancing. For example:

Mental health remains a vital issue for students and all Canadians alike. Just yesterday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an investment of $240.5 million to develop, expand, and launch virtual care and mental health tools to support Canadians, including investment to support the federal government’s new Wellness Together Canada website. Don’t forget to take advantage of resources made available by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

April 20, 2020

Moving learning and teaching online

At Canada’s post-secondary institutions, online learning options are rapidly expanding. The Canadian Digital Learning Research Association’s latest report gives us a comprehensive look at the state of online learning in Canada, and highlights that 76% of institutions offer some form of online learning, and that interest in a wide range of alternative credentials continues to grow. In the current global context, this data is more relevant than ever and quickly changing.

In a previous issue of Perspectives, we shared the online, distance, and blended learning approaches that colleges and institutes have championed in almost every subject area. With such a strong history in online and blended learning methods, colleges and institutes all across the country were able to respond to distancing measures associated with COVID-19 incredibly quickly.

Within a week, Collège communautaire de Nouveau-Brunswick shared that it had converted 85 of its programs to online formats allowing 2,000 students to continue learning despite campus closures; in just four days, College of the North Atlantic implemented an extensive Academic Programs Continuity Plan to move 181 of 205 programs online; and at St Lawrence College classes are being delivered through a combination of online and digital simulations and collaborations until August, to name just a few. And now, as many colleges and institutes are working through the finer points of transitioning their regular programming online, still more are moving to train and support students, faculty, and community partners in unique online ways:

While studying and working online can open up access to education beyond geographical barriers, it may also pose challenges to maintaining mental health for students, staff, and faculty as many face additional personal, academic, and financial stresses. The Government of Canada has launched a new online Wellness Together Canada platform providing free online resources, tools, apps and connections to trained volunteers and qualified mental health professionals. Be sure to take advantage of these great resources.

Consult our COVID-19 resources page for more tips on online learning and teaching.