Fanshawe College’s Respiratory Therapy (RT) advanced diploma program is a credential that is in-demand all over Canada and vital to the health of our communities. Students learn in the classroom and in simulation labs and are taught by skilled and dedicated professors who ensure they learn the tools and techniques to be successful in their careers. Students also participate in clinical placements, giving them vital experiential training. Considered a “highly competitive program”, demand from students and the community continues to increase. The need for skilled respiratory therapists—and the exceptional skill of Fanshawe graduates—became clear as the COVID-19 pandemic reached the region and staff and students joined the frontlines of care.

About Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology
Fanshawe College is one of the largest colleges in Ontario, with campuses located in London, Simcoe, St. Thomas, and Woodstock. The institution offers more than... Learn more
The Program Excellence Award
The Program Excellence Award recognizes a program or an initiative that is innovative, portable, sustainable, and effective and focuses on one or more of the following areas: Indigenous Education; Sustainable Development; Global Engagement; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Applied Research and Innovation.
CICan and TD Insurance
TD Insurance is proud to be the exclusive sponsor of the CICan Awards of Excellence Program. TD Insurance will give an award of $1,000 to each Gold level Award of Excellence recipient.
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