Olds College

Gold | The Applied Research and Innovation Excellence Award
Olds College is one of Canada's top 10 research colleges. It is known for innovative and industry-driven applied research across its 3,600-acre Smart Farm, laying the foundation for solving real-world problems in farming, food and land. Olds College Centre for Innovation (OCCI) applied research division has the expertise, assets and infrastructure to accelerate the progress and innovation needed to grow Canada's ag industry. It supports start-up development, validation, scaling and demonstration of intelligent ag technologies and practices for SMEs and community partners. It also provides students with real-world learning experiences, so the next generation of innovators and technology users is well positioned to succeed.

About Olds College of Agriculture & Technology

Olds College of Agriculture & Technology is a technical institution offering industry demand-driven programming with an intensive focus on agriculture and technology. Founded in 1913,... Learn more

The Applied Research and Innovation Excellence Award

The Applied Research and Innovation Excellence Award recognizes a college or institute that has improved the productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and community partners through the development of new and improved products, processes and services and has provided students and graduates with real-world innovation experience. This award recognizes institutional, rather than individual achievements. To be eligible for this award, your institution must not have received the “Gold” award within the past 3 years or since 2020

CICan and TD Insurance

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TD Insurance is proud to be the exclusive sponsor of the CICan Awards of Excellence Program. TD Insurance will give an award of $1,000 to each Gold level Award of Excellence recipient.
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