CICan’s strategic priorities reflect where we will focus our efforts and investments to realize our impact goals. Key initiatives help achieve each strategic priority.
Strategic Priority 1

Focus CICan’s advocacy agenda on Canada’s major challenges where colleges and institutes can make a real difference.
In the context of the changing federal policy and political landscape, articulate and advance the value proposition of publicly funded colleges and institutes to addressing Canada’s biggest challenges.
Key Initiatives
- Develop a challenge-based impact agenda and narrative to clearly position the key role of Canada’s college and institute sector in Canada’s long-term growth, productivity and social well-being
- Develop well-considered and aligned policy proposals and work with members and partners to conduct sustained and sequenced outreach to socialize these ideas with federal decision-makers
- Create a strategic communications plan and knowledge products to position the college and institute sector as a challenge-based solutions provider and to inform national public policy conversations of relevance to Canadians
- Modernize our approach to member services and initiatives to support the national agenda and respond to the evolving leadership and capacity needs of our members
- Prepare and execute a pre-election plan to position the college and institute sector across parties as a leading solutions provider to the national challenges facing Canadians
Strategic Priority 2

Integrate national and international programs to better align the project
portfolio with corporate goals.
Increase coherence and alignment across CICan as we adopt a challenge-driven approach to advocacy and program development that positions CICan and its members as key solution providers to Canada’s – and the world’s – biggest challenges.
Key Initiatives
- Bring together national and international programs and partnerships teams and resources for greater synergies, efficiencies and impact
- Strengthen project objectives and guidelines to ensure alignment of portfolio with strategic goals
- Pursue strategic projects that are member-aligned and best contribute to our corporate goals
- Consult with members and regularly share CICan pipeline and portfolio updates to promote better mutual understanding of the evolution of interests and capacity as well as optimal allocation of partnership development resources
- Complete a projects support review and adjust the way corporate resources support project delivery
Strategic Priority 3

Strengthen CICan’s culture and systems to support a resilient and sustainable organization.
Build a unified team culture while navigating change and ensure fit-for-purpose CICan where people, resources, and structures are aligned with strategic directions to better respond to the needs of members.
Key Initiatives
- Launch new fit-for-purpose structure and streamlined leadership team to drive greater integration and maximize impact and efficiencies
- Refresh CICan’s culture through a new staff engagement plan supported by enhanced human resources leadership and capacity
- Review and implement CICan’s hybrid work and professional development policies to support our pan-Canadian and global workforce
- Strengthen CICan’s strategic financial planning systems, policies and forecasting and monitoring capacity
- Refine systems to create, store and disseminate knowledge products to support our mission and our members