Education for Employment Andes (EFE Andes) is based in three countries in the Andean Region: Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. Through a broad range of partnerships with regional and national governments, employers, unions, employment agencies and educational institutions, EFE Andes is modernizing the delivery of vocational training in the region.
EFE Andes partners work together to increase institutional capacity and create employment opportunities that respond to social and economic needs. By assisting Bolivia, Colombia and Peru in developing their economies, the program will help alleviate poverty by providing vulnerable youth with increased skills and employment and aid the shift from a supply-driven to demand-driven TVET system.
Working with the Ministerio de Educación del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia-MINEDU (Ministry of Education of the Plurinational State of Bolivia), EFE Andes is establishing a nationwide network of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions. Industrial mechanics, agro-industry and industrialization of natural resources are the sectors of focus as the program builds the capacity of target institutions for program delivery and leadership. These institutions will be the leaders in adopting and improving new TVET practices that will be replicated in other sectors and TVET institutions across Bolivia.
In Colombia, CICan has partnered with Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje-SENA (National Training Service) to meet the demand for short-term skills training and to enhance two of the country’s key economic sectors: mining and agriculture. Promoting cleaner and more effective mining techniques, particularly through the use of environmentally friendly technologies, is a key aspect of the project. EFE Andes focuses on vulnerable youth, in particular young women, who have not seen the benefits of education and training and whose lives have been affected by longstanding conflict in their communities.
Two key ministries, Ministerio de Educación-MINEDU (Ministry of Education) and Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo-MINTRA (Ministry of Labour and Promotion of Employment), have partnered with CICan to implement EFE Peru. By engaging the local government and private sector in the planning of a demand-driven approach to TVET programming, EFE Andes will reach vulnerable youth and take steps to improve their socio-economic well-being. Peruvian partners have chosen agroindustry, with a focus on the value chain, as the sector of focus for this project.