Meet Canada's largest post-secondary education network.

Our work strengthens Canada’s publicly supported colleges, institutes, CEGEPs, and polytechnics. And the reach of our network is unmatched.

From the blog

September 13, 2024

CICan’s Roadmap to 2026

We are living in dynamic, disruptive and uncertain times. CICan is evolving to meet the moment. We have a new leadership team and organizational structure. A new vision to drive... Read more

Our Programs

National Partnerships

National Partnerships

We give colleges and institutes the opportunity to work together towards a common goal, to learn from each other, and maximize the impact of Canada’s largest post-secondary network.

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International Partnerships

International Partnerships

By linking Canadian institutions with partners all around the world, we help transform post-secondary education and connect learners in Canada and overseas with employment-based training and global skills they need to succeed.

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What's happening at CICan